Thursday, July 3, 2008

Fruit Festival

I help Marie Mason, the Director of the Craft House, sell some of her soaps and crafts at the Fruit Festival in Charlestown. There were a lot of interesting agriculture booths and different varieties of fruits (especially mangoes as they are in season) to look at. One man had a mountain of bananas, the Taiwanese farmers had a beautiful display of corn, cherry tomatoes, pineapples and mangoes and many people were selling delicious homemade fruit drinks and foods. I finally got to try "Conkie" which is a sort of dense sweet potato and coconut pudding steamed in a banana leaf (sort of like a tamale) that is traditionally served on Easter Sunday and some conch soup ("Conks water" as it is known here). Next to us a few tables down was one of our teacher "students" (from the craft seminars) that was selling her jewelry and her student's sewn projects. It was a fun day with lots of new and familiar faces.

Also a big thank you to Greg for the photos!

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